Sunday, July 21, 2024

Prohibited Activities During the Commemoration Week of the Genocide Against the Tutsi

As someone familiar with Rwanda, I want to share with you about the upcoming week’s commemoration of the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. From Friday, April 7, 2023, to April 13, 2023, Rwanda will observe this week of solemn reflection and remembrance. The entire country comes together to honor the memory of those who lost their lives during the genocide.

During this week, things are relatively quiet everywhere you go, as the focus is on commemoration and reflection. It’s important to note that professional, business, personal, and other wellness activities will continue during Commemoration Week. Still, certain activities are prohibited to ensure that the focus remains on honoring the memory of those who lost their lives during the genocide.

Mass celebrations such as parties, concerts, and other large gatherings are prohibited during commemoration week. Instead, this is a time to show respect for the families still mourning losing their loved ones.
Weddings and other marriage ceremonies are also not allowed during commemoration week. This is because this week is a period of national mourning, and it is not appropriate to celebrate weddings during this time. It is a time for solemn reflection and remembrance of those who died during the genocide.

Sports competitions, except individual sports, are not allowed during commemoration week. It is essential to focus on the memory of the victims during this period of national mourning.

Playing music unrelated to the commemoration in public places such as bars, restaurants, barber shops, studios, and bus stations is prohibited during commemoration week. It is a time to show respect and pay tribute to the victims.

Betting games and projecting football matches are also not allowed during commemoration week. It is important to stay focused on honoring the memory of the victims during this period of national mourning.

Concerts in nightclubs, bars, comedy nights, songs, dances, movies, games, and theaters unrelated to the commemoration are prohibited. Maintaining a solemn and respectful atmosphere during this time of remembrance is important.

In summary, the week of commemoration for the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994 is a time of solemn reflection and remembrance in Rwanda. As we honor the memory of those who lost their lives during the genocide, certain activities are prohibited to ensure that the focus remains on showing respect and paying tribute to the victims.

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